Tag Archives: Wolf

Friday Morning Metal – Spellcaster – I Live Again

Hooray for power metal! Angry Metal Guy is a great source of kickass music. And also a pile of death/black metal that is also there. I had not heard of Spellcaster until I read AMG’s review of their upcoming album, Night Hides World. And if I Live Again is any indication, I’m going to be listening to this album a ton when it comes out.

The guitar work is crunchy and coordinated and awesome, all the things you want from a band, while there are great vocal harmonizing up on top of that. And he built a fortress to serve his insanity!

Hearing this song reminded me of the first time I heard Wolf’s Black Wings back in 2001. A big crazy throwback band that is putting their own stamp on metal, and doesn’t just sound “sorta like Priest” or “kinda like Maiden” or “a bit of Dio-era Sabbath.”

So listen to I Live Again. Then listen to it again. Then listen to it a third time.

Friday Morning Metal – Wolf – Shark Attack

THERE IS NEW WOLF! Black Wings was the first album I got when I was really getting back into metal. Because that intro riff on Night Stalker grabs you by the balls and doesn’t let up. They had some albums in between, but they got slow and “heavy” and I just couldn’t get into them. And now I learn that a new album is out, Devil Seed. And there’s an official video, for a song called Shark Attack.

This is the Wolf I enjoy, crazy noodly guitar solos, plenty of fast big drums, and vocals that sound about ready to shatter glass across the countryside.

It is funny the video for their song about Shark Attacks takes place in a barn.