Tag Archives: Hangar 18

Friday Morning Metal – Megadeth – Hangar 18

I recently picked up Rocksmith Guitar & Bass, and have been blistering up my fingers learning to play bass. The game is like the next logical step from Guitar Hero and Rock Band, allowing you to plug your own instrument into your Xbox and play along to various hits. What I really like about the game is the difficulty scales up as you play a song.

So for instance, The Black Keys “Next Girl” is one of the songs, and when you first start playing it on bass you’ll have maybe three notes per measure with good spacing. Once you get the hang of it they’ll add in another string, and once you get the hang of that they’ll up it to 16th or 32nd notes with jumps between strings. It’s very fun and doesn’t have nearly the frustration of playing plastic guitars in Rock Band.

Most of the songs are pretty straightforward rock songs, some Stones, little Kravitz, the stuff that you hear and know the hook already. However, they have some downloadable song packs, including a Megadeth Pack what has Hangar 18, Symphony of Destruction, and a song from his 2010 album that’s about the new world order and a bunch of other conspiracy nutbar stuff. Can’t wait to get these and destroy my fingers trying to keep up.

So here’s Hangar 18. With its weird intro and other amazing early 90’s music video requirements.